Vegas, baby! German au pair Nathalie has been in the USA for almost half a year now and has come to love her new life with her THREE amazing host kids. Roller coaster of emotions? Yes! Regrets? Far from it!

Exploring the US!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been an au pair for almost 6 months now. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that one of my biggest dreams has come true! Sometimes it genuinely feels like I’m in a dream or a movie rather. But I appreciate every moment of it, and I’m very grateful for this experience.
It is hard to describe how time’s been passing ever since I got here. On the one hand it feels like I’ve been here all my life (it felt very strange seeing the house I grew up in the other day). On the other hand, I feel like only a month has passed (time flies!). Being an au pair is a roller coaster of emotions from start to finish! Lots of new adventures, new friends, but also a new daily routine to get used to. There are ups and downs, good and bad days. But all of this is what’s making this amazing year such a unique experience.

During Orientation, our au pairs get to explore the Big Apple!
… literally everything felt excitingly new, and a little scary, too. I mean, you are responsible for someone else’s children! And you can never be sure whether your way is the right way. But thankfully, you grow with your tasks. And before you know it, everything feels so easy and natural.
I celebrated Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and my birthday with my host family – in a very different way than how I would have normally celebrated those days! But that’s also what made it so special. I felt a little homesick once, right before Christmas. I think that’s the hardest time of the year for almost every au pair, as everything tends to remind you of your family and friends back home. But fortunately the kids helped me to get over it pretty quickly. I love my host kids like they are my siblings. I feel like I can be who I really am when I’m with them.

As an au pair, you will find lifelong friends!
I’ve found so many new friends here, of which some have already gone back to their home countries. That’s another thing. I never thought about the many times that I would have to say “goodbye” this year. But you know what, you get used to it. We’ve been to football games, baseball games and even to a line dance. And I’ve traveled a lot with my new friends as well! We went to Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and so many other road trips that we went on. Now I love traveling more than ever. I love packing my suitcase, because you never know what’s lying ahead!
… I’ve learned a lot over the past few months: from taking responsibility to being more self-confident, and everything in between. But this feeling of growing more independent day by day is probably one of the biggest perks of being an Au Pair in America. My English is improving, too. Sometimes it just takes a little while to show, especially when you have lots of friends from your home country like I do.
Thanks to my au pair year, I’ve come to realise that life isn’t necessarily about big events like Christmas, or a wedding, or birthdays. It is rather about the little things in life like sharing mango with your host kids in the car or watching the sunset with your new friends. All these moments mean so much more and will make this year unforgettable.

New adventures on the horizon!
I’m so excited about all the things that are still about to come like Disneyland, the birthdays of my host kids, or our summer vacation in California. I would also like to volunteer at a hospital because I want to study medicine back in Germany, but it is really hard to find the right hospital. In the meantime, I am looking forward to my upcoming weekend class in Salt Lake City (Utah). And as I’ve said, I’m even more looking forward to all the little things that’ll happen in between.
My advice to all of you: Be open minded and stay curious, and I promise this year will be one of your best ones. You will never forget being an au pair as it will change you, it will challenge you and in the end, it will always be a part of you.