My Hello ladies. Welcome to my first blog post with you all. I’m so excited for you to join along with my au pair journey. I’m excited to share with you all about my au pair life here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

My gorgeous boys! ❤️
A little bit about me…
My name is Steph, I just turned 27 years old. Yes, I know, I’m old. I’m practically a veteran in the au pair world. I am currently just over 11 months into my au pair program and have extended for a full 12 months with my AMAZING host family. I look after twin boys who are 15 months old.
Taking on Pennsyvlania…
We live in the suburbs of Pittsburgh in a very ‘American dream’ neighbourhood. Two story houses, children playing on the street, yellow school buses driving by and snow in the winter. I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, however this isn’t my first time leaving the nest. My Au Pair in America journey actually began back in 2014 when I was an au pair in Chicago. I loved it so much I needed to come back. The 2 years I spent at home, consisted of me missing America and the au pair life so I decided to pack up my bags and return to the land of the brave and free. Fast forward 11 months and here I am writing this for you today. 😊

Totally in ❤️ with America!
A New Family, A New Home & A New Love…
I have LOVED my first 11 months here. My host family are amazing and have welcomed me with open arms and I absolutely feel a part of the family. My parents actually just arrived from Australia and they a throwing a big dinner so the entire extended family and friends can meet my family. To say that I have found another family here in Pennsylvania is an understatement. I haven’t just found family here, I have also found love. I met my boyfriend, Justin through my host family and we have been dating about 7 months now. 💕
My Host Family…
My host moms name is Ashley and as I said before I look after her twin boys. When I first arrived here they were just under 4 months old and today they are walking around, talking, and eating us out of house and home. I have a pretty great schedule. I generally look after the boys for the most of the day, Monday thru Friday. My host mom has decided to put the boys in day care for a day or two per week so that frees up my day a little bit and then she can use me when she needs me during weeknights or on the occasional weekend. I’ll be sure to do “a day in life post” soon so you can see what my day usually consists of.

I mean… aren’t they just the cutest!! 😍
I have had the luxury of travelling quite a lot since I arrived. I have been to New York twice, Atlanta, West Virginia, Los Angeles, Ohio, Arizona, Niagara Falls and Mexico. Some of these have been with my host family and others I have travelled with friends. Travelling is just one of the perks of being an au pair. Well a massive perk. Having weekends off allows me to visit lots of local places or take an extended weekend if I want to and it works with my host families schedule. This was one the first things that drew me to the au pair program.

Niagara Falls at night! A must see!
Until I visited America in 2011, I had never wanted to live overseas, however after that visit, I totally fell in love with this country. The culture, the people, the places. So, after I graduated from my nursing degree and worked for a few years I decided it was time to do try something new and kind of fell into the au pair program.
My search for opportunities in America led me to the AIFS Australia website and to Au Pair in America. I loved kids, I loved travelling, I loved America, I was willing to leave home for 12 months and I met all the other requirements. I submitted my application and then found myself in Chicago a few months later. After successfully completing my year, I returned home and as soon as I was able to start my return application, I did and here I am, making a new home in Pennsylvania!
I have never looked back and have not regretted my decision at all. Join me on the rest of my au pair journey, I’m SO excited to share this experience with you all. 😁
You’ll be able to follow Steph’s au pair journey right here on our blog! Ready to start your own Au Pair in America journey? Register on our site and begin your application today!